, pub-8080684216946662, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 حذف صور وملفات الجوال بشكل نهائي لن يتمكن احد من استرجاعها...

القائمة الرئيسية


حذف صور وملفات الجوال بشكل نهائي لن يتمكن احد من استرجاعها...

السلام عليكم :
استرجاع الصور والمفات المحذوفة " بالفعل إن هذه الجملة تخلق جدلاً كبيراً عندما تريد بيع هاتفك القديم لاستبداله بهاتف احدث ، فيبقى السؤال هنا هل اقوم بفرمتة الجهاز ومن ثم اقوم ببيعه لان الصور سوف تُحذَف من لحظة فرمتة الجوال ، ام لا ابقي الموبايل لان الفرمتة لن تحذف الصور بشكل نهائي من الجوال

الإجابة على هذه السؤال هي بالفعل ان فرمتة الهاتف الخاص بك لا يعني حذف الصور نهائياً بل من الممكن استرجاعها ولكن أيضاً في نفس الوقت انا لست ابداً مع فكرة ابقاء الهاتف القديم وعدم بيعه ، بل كل ماهو علينا ان نبحث قليلاُ عن الحل لانه في عالم التقنية الحل موجود دوماً ..

وبالفعل سوف نتطرق اليوم معكم إلى واحد من افضل البرامج بلا منازع في هذه المجال لحذف الملفات والصور بشكل نهائي وانا قلت افضل التطبيقات لانه لا يقوم بحذف فقط الصور بل ايضاً يشفرها قبل الحذف ! اي وبمعنى اخر حتى لو استطاع احد استرجاع الصور فلن تعمل الصورة بل سيظهر عوضاً عن الصورة ، عبارة "عذراً الصورة غير موجودة " ...

Hello :
Retrieving deleted photos and files "Indeed, this sentence creates a great controversy when you want to sell your old phone to replace it with a newer phone, so the question here remains: Should I crack the device and then sell it because the images will be deleted from the moment the mobile is formatted, or not, because the formatting will not delete the images Permanently from mobile

The answer to this question is really that firming your phone does not mean deleting the images permanently, but it is possible to recover them, but also at the same time, I am not at all with the idea of ​​keeping the old phone and not selling it, but all we have to look for a little about the solution because in the world of technology the solution Always present ..

Indeed, today we will discuss with you one of the undisputed best programs in this field to permanently delete files and images, and I said the best applications because it not only deletes images, but also encrypts them before deletion! In other words, even if someone is able to retrieve the images, the image will not work. Rather, the phrase "Sorry, the image does not exist" will appear instead

Recover deleted photos "Indeed, this sentence creates a great controversy when you want to sell your old phone t o replace it with a newer phone, so the question remains here, do I change the device and then sell it because the pictures will be deleted from the moment you format the phone, or not, keep the device because the format will not delete the pictures in a way Final Indeed, today we will touch with you on one of the undisputed best applications in this field, and I said the best applications Because it not only deletes images, but also encodes them before deletion! That is, in other words, even if someone can retrieve the images, the image will not work. Rather, the image will appear, "Sorry, the image does not exist . "

Recover deleted photos "Indeed, this sentence creates a great controversy when you want to sell your old phone tحo replace it with a newer phone, so the question remains here, do I change the device and then sell it because the pictures will be deleted from the moment you format the phone, or not, keep the device because the format will not delete the pictures in a way Final Indeed, today we will touch with you on one of the undisputed best applications in this field, and I said the best applications because it not only deletes images, but also encodes them before deletion! That is, in other words, even if someone can retrieve the images, the image will not work. Rather, the image will appear, "Sorry, the image does not exist."

⇐     تـــــحــــــمــــــــــيــــــــــــــل  ➪
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